Monday, July 13, 2009

Backyard Chickens

12 - 1pm

Learn about the many delights of urban chickens in this workshop. Topics covered range from building a coop and raising chicks to keeping your ladies healthy, fending off backyard predators, and remaining in your neighbors' good graces. Time will be reserved for q & a and sharing of chicken-related stories: all levels of urban homesteaders are welcome!

Molly Notarianni

Backyard chickens changed Molly Notarianni's life, and she hopes they will change yours as well! Molly kept chickens for several years in her Portland backyard, and these days, she keeps busy managing Ann Arbor's lovely Farmers Market. In addition to being a friend of chickens, Molly is an avid gardener, a zealous canner, and a strong believer in the transformative power of bikes. She enjoys dancing, meeting her neighbors, outdoor adventures, baking pies, and waking up to see it has snowed.

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